Friday, October 9, 2009

and it never ends

i have been wondering where Ma Mere has been...
i have her babies and i do want to catch this trap savvy feline.
well she showed up tonight hungry, her belly is starting to bulge and my larger trap is in use as an incubator.
...........i really do need to invest in more traps and the two squirrel traps i have borrowed are now too small for the street kittens. they are set and waiting but i doubt i will catch the current babies that are at least 3 months old now...............
This little Siamese girl is reminding me of Bettie it took over a year to finally catch her and get her spayed she had 2 litters of which i still have some as stated in earlier posts.

So i set out food to keep her coming by and i made up some milk for all the street kitties to sip and that i hope to catch.

i look around to see the house meows sleeping on my bed with their gentle snores.
i watch as Oliver antagonizes Mikael and Kinji, i really do need to find him a new home he is such a love. it is getting cold around here and the kitties are letting me know, wanting to be in the few heated rooms as night falls. and patiently waiting for me to wake up so i will play with them making the Da Bird fly high for them to chase and stalk.

i don't think i can walk away from these cats now that i have started down this path, i do not have the funds to do this on my own but i have help. and one day i will get the sanctuary started and i will take as many of these cats as i can to it so they are no longer car fodder or chased by the dogs that roam the streets.
i wonder how many of the kittens are female and will continue the cycle if they are not caught and manage to survive.
off to check the trap and get some sleep

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can send a few bucks your way to buy a trap. Would that be ok?

You should have a donate button on your blog. :)