Saturday, October 10, 2009

one more kitten

What a morning, i got up and found/unearthed a cage to put growler into, i cannot stand keeping them in traps. so since i had an old chinchilla/rabbit cage that i was getting ready to toss, i instead cleaned it up and used a lot of duct tape to secure it. then i had the joy of getting him out of the trap watching for where he ran to hide and caught him up in a towel. since i had the opportunity i clipped nails and gave him his antibiotics straight. he is looking good as soon as i put him in his new home he went immediately for the food dish. then to remind me he is a bad-ass he commenced with his meow growl again laced with hisses.

I want to be able to let Helios and Dandylion play in the room but i cannot until they are all done with their meds.

when i got home from work i saw Ma Mere, so i set the trap for her and guess what i got another kitten which looks exactly like Growler. probably a sibling as they look the same age. so now i need to set up another cage this one unfortunately will be outside it a good thing we are having mild weather and that this kitten is used to it. if i can socialize these hopefully i can adopt them out and not have to release them to the colony. i live way to close to a freeway with a very busy intersection.

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