Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Momma

The other day i finally got a decent picture of the female that is coming around for food.
Tortie of Lynx point Siamese. Tiny, pregnant, brave she hisses at mikael when he went to close while she was eating. She also watches while we play with the Da Bird.
the little wench is also trap savvey. she avoids all food in the traps.

Friday, August 14, 2009

last night when i got home from work i was greeted by some of the regulars
Bettie of the injured leg - she is allowing me to pick her up again now that she knows i have bought RC Baby Cat, i am so glad that she is still with me and not dead as i was told, i do not know happened to her , but she was hurt and has lost weight.
Belly, i wonder when she is going to start bringing around her babies.
Rue -who is refusing to be caught.
and some of the house meows so before i got to far they were fed.

Later when i went to pick up the dishes i saw i pale shadow. so it seems that the kitties are coming back
from wherever they had been scared to because of the road work and the dogs. i went out checked the dishes picked up the empties and refilled one dish and got my glasses for a better look. Yep small pale cat of the Siamese persuasion with a very low slung belly could this be in truth Myst's mommy?
i guess i need to feed in the traps again.