Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Lady Louise Lusitania *RIP*

Today at 3 pm the hour of mercy my Lulu made her journey to the Bridge. 
first picture from her foster family
 Little Lusitania tormenting Valentine
spotting the lovebird she was sitting on

a very large 5 months old kitten
Come in and play

I got her when she was 4 months old as one can see she was mischievous.
She grew to be the most elegant lady cat.
I never expected her to be as accepting as she was to the other cats, she let them all enter her world and as long as they respected her rule they could stay and be mothered.
Bringing home the hours old baby, however was different.
Lusitania took over motherhood as if M'Agnes was her own .

 Maybe it was because she had been a foundling herself.

 Her favorite place to lay was on a cement bridge over a tiny ornamental pond. The thing is older than me

wearing the cowl made from the first M'Agnes colorway
 She started to lose weight and at first I thought it was from depression.  We had just lost Robber and not that long after that M'Agnes left to follow her Rockstar.

Turns out the weight loss was CRF and caught way too late as my girl did not let me know she was sick until it was too much or her to hide anymore.

You will always be my Queen

together again

Friday, February 14, 2014


        I am getting very worried about Lu.  She is losing to much weight and drinking way too much.  she did let me get some kmr into her so that is some nutrition better than just plain water. she is again hiding under the bed.  She makes a trip to the fountain,drinks sometimes cries.  Dr. D suspects diabetes.  and right now i cannot afford a senior blood panel as some subhuman hacked my bank account.