Friday, September 27, 2013


 i will have to edit this when i get to the coffee shop as this droid sux.i have completed my current caledar and it is ready for the printer.   i cannot get this stupid phone to interface with the blog very well but maybe it is the blog that is the issue. t

Sunday, September 15, 2013

I am sitting in a coffee shop as I am not sure if I want to maintain home internet.

 At the coffee shop I can get online for free. It is slow, guess I can knit while waiting for things to load.
At home it would be around $80 a month.
I do not do that much online other than go on Ravelry, see what is posted on YouTube, check FB and watch a very few TV shows.
So $80 will get me maybe 8 hours of TV.  Somehow this does not resonate as being worth it.   Especially as I can catch them at the coffee shop while sitting in my car so as not to disturb others there.

The only real thing I use the computer for is calendars.   So I am sitting in the coffee shop uploading pictures to so I can work on the calendar.  I am missing my little Diva, it will be sad that this will be the last time she will be in a calendar as April will be  her tribute month. It still hurts that I only had her 3 short years.

My vacation was good, I saw some states that I have not been to in a very long time if ever.  I got to meet some of my Raverly friends which was fantastic.  Meeting new kitties and a few pups was fun.

I have followed on FB the travels of Taika and Dahlia. I will miss them but I am glad knowing they will be loved.

Taika, such a adventurous girl. Take good care of Dahlia sweetie.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Contemplation of a tattoo

I have been thinking about getting a tattoo in memory to The cats I have lost. 
M'Agnes learned a trick to get treat was to press on my hand as if it were a lever.  She then started to use this to get my attention. If I was on the computer she would press on my hand and look deep into my eyes.  It always brought a smile.

I also would like a bracelet of forget me not blossoms maybe entwined with cherry blossoms.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today  completely lost it.

I went onto The Unique Sheep website to look at the M'Agnes and M'Agical colorways and started balling my eyes out.

Not even pictures of my girl just pretty yarn and I cry. Laura is lovely and has offered to do the tribute colorway, I am just not sure when I am going to be able to really look at the pictures and choose one for the color.  I did ask her fans and i think they are n the same state I am in and not able to look at the pictures without crying.

Within a few seconds I was fending off Lu as she wanted me to stop crying.

I did hear from URRKN today it looks like the trip is a go. I just need to know the path so I can reserve night lodgings.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

PapaBear Sighting

 I saw PapaBear tonight, he is getting skinny. If I did not know that he is another FIV kitty I would trap him for neuter but I know that is why Rue died.  
As I watched him eating with his tiny ears and very round face I saw that he had the same facial patterning as Lakota.

He kind of looks like pictures I have seen of European Wild Cats,  though that s very doubtful being in California and all.  He is definitely  feral though.  He knows that the cats are fed in the back yard and that Rue is no longer defending the area, so he is more brazen than he use to be.

I wish I had been able to catch him when he was younger, when it would have been safer to neuter him. He has got to be at least 10 now!   Such a gorgeous boy.

Also, speaking of brazen boys, Esteban is running off the girls across the street to steal their food.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Yes i still cry without thinking,

Yes i still break down without warning

Yes i still feel shattered
M'Agnes when she had just gotten the coveted treat
this will always be one of my favorite pictures

this is also a much loved photo.
the poor dear was being annoyed by a dog in the park
so she was sitting in the tree till it left

I get sad when I hear the crows, I hear bells and miss my little girl, I catch whiffs of scent and remember tidbits.

I am not even sure I can go to the beach and not cry anymore.  That will be a challenge as I have now lost all of my beach cats. I ma try to take Lusitania one day to see how it goes.

I am still trying to find the picture for the tribute colorway for M'Agnes as I think her fans are waiting for me to choose even when I asked of them to please go though the posted pictures. It is just I have so many that they have not seen.  So I guess it will fall to me to pick the picture.  The request seems to be fore a gradience of just M'Agnes nothing of the surroundings so I will skim for the ones that are mainly her.

I have been toying with getting a tattoo. I am thinking of a pawprint on the web of my left thumb where she would place her paw to get my attention.

There is an auction happening in her name to help fund my further rescue kitties and maybe just maybe get a start to help build the sanctuary.

Madelyn has now been spayed and she tested negative for FIV/Felv so i am not as worried about her escaping as she likes to go over the gate to explore the rest of the house.  It is kind of funny watching her chase the other cats to protect her babies. She is so tiny and missing teeth and soooooooo ready to take them all down.
Taika trying to figure out what the clicky box is

Dahlia has been adopted and will be going with her sister Taika to Maryland.  Taika will help Dahlia adjust to her new home. Taika is much more brave and playful. I think Damson has also been adopted by a coworker. We shall see.
Captain Olwen such a trusting little man.
Considering how vicious he tried to be when he was caught 

Captain Olwen will be staying with me and Madelyn.  I always hate it when a mother loses her very very last baby. How do we know she does not miss them? I have seen other feral mom cats get upset hearing a kitten cry and go to soothe it even when it is not theirs and they had been spayed for years.

I hate being sad. I am sitting here it is 1 am I am listening to Lu snore and watching Moira pretend to sleep. And I am just so sad I can barely do anything, I have not been able to knit. I have not read, the movie I could not wait for I probably will not see. I am working with the kittens as they need a lot of socialization. Dahlia and Damson are just so shy but at least Dahlia and Taika are both over 2 lbs and are at a "Safe" spay weight. So next month it will be even better.  Next get the time off and get some time out of California were everything is a trigger.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Picture of the family

Captain and Dahlia, 

his eyes are so different. I know he is still very young but thy look vertigris.
Madelyn and Damson,
Mother was getting annoyed at her remaining child. 


Damsons pretty face


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Family in the back room

Over the 4 of July week I caught the mom cat and her babies. Turns out it was 4 not 3 as I first thought.

After work on Tuesday, I set out to have a tiny greeting with everyone.  Mom (Madelyn) came running over to greet me as soon as she saw me.  I picked her up and set her in my car to see what she would do.  She sniffed, she saw a cat bed and very cautiously approached it and ever so lightly rubbed her cheek on it.  When she saw I had finished opening tins -one of which I set down for her- and had picked up a car blanket she followed me to the clearing.

I had set out a trap just in case I would need one and also a carrier. Then I sat there and watched and pet Madelyn as her babies got curious. One was brave enough to come eat from the dish Madelyn was eating from so I would cautiously pet him too. After a bit the others got hungry and started eating the biscuits I had been tossing.  I watched and talked for about an hour and finally needed to go pick up ashes at the E vet in another town.  I let the trap and blanket to let mom know I would be back.

I was not planning on catching any kittens as it was getting late midnight to be precise, I had just come back to pick up the trap and talk a bit more with mom.   I then went to another side of the clearing which was a little more hidden from random people and as I was laying there the little boy came up and I caught him

The first one caught was the little boy whom I have named Captain Olwen.  Oh he was not happy! He cried and started to bite and tried sooooo very hard to be a terror until his mom came to him touched his face and started to groom him.  She watched as I set him in the carrier.  The second was a little black tortishell. When she first showed up I had thought she was a baby skunk because of the mark on her face.

As that was 1 am and I was starting to fall asleep on the hill I told Madelyn I would be back the next day.

The next day was my day off so I showed up around 7.30 and was greeted by Madelyn, she is the sweetest thing and patiently waited for me to set up my picnic area then happily started to eat.  I quickly snapped up the next kitten and had to wait for the last one to get more hungry than scared.  She kept trying to nurse and Madelyn kept running to me whenever the nursing started.
Finally at 8.30 the little Damson was taking the chicken from my hand and I had her.  Madelyn sat beside the carrier as I placed her baby in and then she let me pick her up and place her in as well.

Then a clean up of the site and finding the key I dropped we where on the way home and away from all fireworks.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Abandoned mom

Found a new mom cat where I work with threes fluff ball babies. Need to start trapping again.

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Tribute to M'Agnes

I finally stopped crying so maybe I can get this started now

For those that have followed the life of M'Agnes on Ravelry you already know she is gone.
It is like the heart has gone out of me.  I can only think she followed one of the other cats outside when i got up in the middle of the night and she dashed out to play. I had gotten use to her leaving the room and finding her in the back bird room or in my moms room as she know G'Mom will give fistfuls of treats.

But no she had gone outside and followed one of the ferals across the street and beyond. It was the knock on the door that woke me, and the animal control officer asking for me and hearing a mention of a Siamese cat.  I thought a neighbor had caught her and was complaining and I was to get yet another fine.
I followed him to the truck having a hard time comprehending what he was said while understanding at the same time.

My beautiful little SuperDiva was gone. Her life had been snuff out by a car.  The only mercy would be that it happened fast and she did not suffer.  The little kitten that had been placed in my hands at hours old never having known her own feline mom she became my baby and I watched her around the clock. I worried about her fearing she would not survive the first days, weeks, then months but she was determined to live in spite of the odds.

It surprised me how many fans she had online,  I would laugh that she had more FB friends than I did.  I would tease my mom as she acknowledged her grandkitten M'Agnes before she claimed me as her daughter.
I learned to laugh with her and loved sharing her antics with all of her online aunties.  I never thought she would only be with me barely 3 years. I will never see how dark she was meant to get in all her chocolate glory

 She would let us put silly dresses on her and would show off her pretty dresses. She loved going for walks and would come racing to me if I had disappeared, She would greet me when I got home late and upset me by waiting in the driveway for my car. She would constantly shadow me when I would put food out for the outside kitties.

Good bye my Angel, give my love to Robber, Frankie, Gianni, Isolde, and the rest that are waiting on the other side of the Rainbow bridge.  I will see you all again one day.
I will stop now as my face is leaking again.

I love you so much

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Robert E LeeRoy

Yesterday I learned I am going to lose him. He has a mass in his abdomen. My boy is so tiny and has lost over a pound of weight going from almost 8 lbs to less than 6 lbs. I was told last time that he had one regular kidney and the other was maybe 1/2 the size it should be so I was careful about his kidneys.
 Of late he has gotten cuddly which is very out of norm for my little Rockstar. I noticed he seemed lighter and a lot thinner. He is still alert, has no weird smell, he eats and drinks and goes potty but he is different. So I got him to the Veterinarian where the mass was discovered.  I can get a referral to a specialist for a biopsy. Potentially get him Chemotherapy and 10's of thousands that I do not have later still lose him in a few months.   Having his last days scared, sick and alone.

Each loss hits me harder than the previous. Hopefully I can get my shelter built soon.  I have found someone who will put up a barn or me but I need a house on the property first.  And scary news I am hearing that pot growers are buying out the lots of land near our property.   I do not want to have to ind a new piece of land to build on.  I want to be out of here within the next few years.  Time is flying past aster and faster.

I just want a safe place for my little ones.