Friday, June 28, 2013

A Tribute to M'Agnes

I finally stopped crying so maybe I can get this started now

For those that have followed the life of M'Agnes on Ravelry you already know she is gone.
It is like the heart has gone out of me.  I can only think she followed one of the other cats outside when i got up in the middle of the night and she dashed out to play. I had gotten use to her leaving the room and finding her in the back bird room or in my moms room as she know G'Mom will give fistfuls of treats.

But no she had gone outside and followed one of the ferals across the street and beyond. It was the knock on the door that woke me, and the animal control officer asking for me and hearing a mention of a Siamese cat.  I thought a neighbor had caught her and was complaining and I was to get yet another fine.
I followed him to the truck having a hard time comprehending what he was said while understanding at the same time.

My beautiful little SuperDiva was gone. Her life had been snuff out by a car.  The only mercy would be that it happened fast and she did not suffer.  The little kitten that had been placed in my hands at hours old never having known her own feline mom she became my baby and I watched her around the clock. I worried about her fearing she would not survive the first days, weeks, then months but she was determined to live in spite of the odds.

It surprised me how many fans she had online,  I would laugh that she had more FB friends than I did.  I would tease my mom as she acknowledged her grandkitten M'Agnes before she claimed me as her daughter.
I learned to laugh with her and loved sharing her antics with all of her online aunties.  I never thought she would only be with me barely 3 years. I will never see how dark she was meant to get in all her chocolate glory

 She would let us put silly dresses on her and would show off her pretty dresses. She loved going for walks and would come racing to me if I had disappeared, She would greet me when I got home late and upset me by waiting in the driveway for my car. She would constantly shadow me when I would put food out for the outside kitties.

Good bye my Angel, give my love to Robber, Frankie, Gianni, Isolde, and the rest that are waiting on the other side of the Rainbow bridge.  I will see you all again one day.
I will stop now as my face is leaking again.

I love you so much

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