Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I am very tired of being depressed.
I know I am not the only one who has bouts of depression and that almost everyone has dealt with some form of it at some point in their lives.  Lately it has been hard, I get tired of things, apathetic to many daily duties.  Exhausted with dealing with the public.  I hate the constant attacks, the irritation of being yelled at for doing your job.
Yes, I am aware of what is going on and I have a handle on it.  You do not need to micro manage me.
In other words if you want to treat me like an idiot I WILL give you an idiot.

I crave going back to the beach it has been far far too long..  Not since I lost M'Agnes.  I think I lost my way when I lost her. Then to lose Lu too.
Madelyn. She moved in and took over. I wonder if her coming
here was what pushed Lusitania into decline.

I have the new crew,  Madelyn and her babies.  that if you are on Ravelry you know about.  I also have Aisha and Joseph now. The little kittens that are almost 4 months old.  I also lost another bottle baby.  he kept rejecting the KMR and what little I got down him would come back out his nose.  I will learn how to tube feed the babies so next time I get one with similar problem I am better able to help.    Little Roo looked so much like M'Agnes when I first got her.  I had hopes such hope he seemed so very strong he just could not keep his milk down.

One of Madelyn's babies, Capt. Olwen, I have found myself calling Robber.  He is so much like Robber in temperment and he is painted like M'Ags so it is very hard at times when I see him basking in the garden.. I love him like anything though.

A very serious Joseph
Capt.Olwen, Playing with Aisha and Joseph
Of the kittens Joseph, he reminds me so very strongly of Tristan.  If he was white I would cry.

1 comment:

alcatmom said...

Hugs to you, I have no words.