Saturday, September 29, 2012


I thought I had updated, I am sorry.  Dr. D thinks the eye might actually be healing. She  is getting an oral dose of Baytril for 2 weeks. we are into week two now.  He said that there is capillaries starting to form in the damaged part of the eye.  He is very surprised and happy about this. I am to give him a call to update how it is going.

To me it does not look good, it is pinker as he said but with all the discharge it is gooey too! It is also not swollen any more, so it might have been a blister forming that we had seen that made it look like the eye was about to rupture. 
Now I am confused if she is going to lose the eye or not.

I will be happy if she keeps it and the ball stays viable even if she will have impaired vision.  I am also prepared for her to have the scar. 

I cried a bit the other day remembering that Spinneretta had done a colorway about Gabrielli and the focal was her eyes.  Such a pretty mint green.

Right now she is looking kind of wizardy with her whited out eye.

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