She will them sigh and sleep. Then manages to disappear in the morning. She has kitty dementia and it is getting real rough now. I am wondering if I did her any favor when I raced her to the vet after the bad reaction to the rabies vacc. I sometimes think it would have been kinder to let her go. She is such a loving cat when she is aware of her surroundings.
Right now she is not aware she is lost and does not know who I am. She will approach Lulu but is wary of the rest.
I had her inside with the inflated collar so of course someone let her outside.... oh i did not see her sneak past... She did manage to get the collar off so I have no idea where it is.
Gabrielli, I love you please come back in where I can take care of you.
Oh, the poor thing.... I do hope she comes back and lets you care for her!
Thank you, I have her now. She is unhappily in a cage crying to be let out. But at least she has a wrap on it and an inflatable collar so she cannot scratch at it.
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