Of course this video is not on YT. It is not much of a video ;) Moira is as always annoyed that she is here and Lulu is still momma cat. Robber is now happy with her as SHE is a size He can play with on an equal level. He might be a tad bit bigger still but for him that is quite alright. M'Agnes loves a good knock down drag out spar session and they will chase for hours. I am coming to the anniversary of Isolde's death It is still very hard to get past. I still cry I still miss her. She will always be my Queen. Right now Robber is laying in an almost finished knit basket. it is suppose to be felted but I have yet to find it sans gato! Moira is on the *finally* felted rose window bed. another project that took forever to felt as they would not get off of it long enough. It is a lovely splash of color. All yellow purple and blue in over lapping petals. The play of short row really gave it body and bumps that the cats love. It has *puurr*-fect pillows for them while they rest.

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