Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Day of Trauma

Today started like the rest. I was asleep with many cats.
But I could not stay asleep, I had to many places to go and things needing to get done.
First I had to wake up and feed the ferals and house crew including the bunny.
I found Blackberry had been sitting in the rain again but at least she was not so furry this time and easier to dry...... M'Agnes at this time managed to eat some fiber and was gagging so i had to make a quick grab to get everything out of her mouth.
Following this was a road trip that I had not been able to get to but had planned for a while now..... drop off swap package!
On the way I dropped off fabric at work for the store Santa Photos.. I dropped off what I could find and the store can work with that.

I am happy to say I love the navigator on the DROID 2 all I have to do is say where I want to go and it takes care of the rest the only part it does not do is the driving. If you miss a turn do to lack of sign it re routes to get you back to the destination.NNNNIIIIIIICCEEEEE

At this stop I let M'Agnes walk for a bit while making sure the package was not visible from the road and then we all continued to Sacramento to Rumpelstiltskin's. M'Agnes was being good and so I was stupid and let her wander.
First she went to visit with Nami at the Tea Cosy where she was a nosy little angel.

Next she wandered back to the yarn shop where she played greeter.

Then she got curious and discovered a hole in the wall and had to investigate.


She got caught under the stairs behind the wall and we all had a tiny freak session thinking we were going to have to call the Fire Dept. to have her cut out of the wall.
Linda tried to reach her with a pole to see if she could knock loose the leash from what ever it was caught on but could not get it. I was in a dither trying to figure out the cost of cutting and repairing a hole in a very old brick building. Finally I had a chance to see my girl and was able to hook the pole through her harness and catch it I managed to pull the leash about a foot.
Relief was short as the hook on the pool snapped, I felt so bad about breaking the pole, but now I had a plan I was going to the nearest hardware store for a tree lopper so I could reach in and cut the leash.
There I was driving to the closest store when the phone rang... i was only 4 minutes from the store and my mom was letting me know that M'Agnes was in her arms. It seems that when I left it upset her to the point she pulled herself closer to the opening so that my Mom who was talking to her could grab her..

I have now promised to Never bring her back, or if I do she is to stay in her carrier.

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