Who would have thought that when I requested time off I would have a baby to share it with.
Lusitania went with us to the beach and got her toes sandy. She had to be re-fit to a new harness as hers no longer fit. She is now 16.5lbs and is wearing a small dog harness. The neck is at the smallest setting the girth is at almost the mid point. She had the boy in the carrier with her and was with him the majority of the time. She did come out for pictures though so I am hoping the camera worked. I think the film broke since it seemed to advance and the tension was tight and when I checked the rewind when I started questioning how many picture were on the roll it popped in real fast after the initial stiff grab. It must have been jammed which totally sucks! Lu is so beautiful and what I saw in the view finder was killer.
She is starting to surrogate some of the care of Magnus, Just this morning when I could not find him I saw her washing her paws... she had an extra paw!
Isadora had a special surprise for me this morning. She has caught her first gopher and was very proud of herself. She did not share but I praised her anyway.
I want to go to Muir Woods soon, maybe tomorrow.
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