this was the day I took him to the vet with suspicions, I was very scared and when the vet entered the room and cheerfully asked how we were doing I said as much that I was very scared.
She did a blood work-up, and the results did not surprise me his levels were all off. Liver, kidneys, blood count both red and white. We talked for a bit and she said the only or rather the next step would be ultrasound and X-rays. I let her know that I have already dealt with FIP and that I would monitor him and continue with the subcutaneous fluids which he does not like. I am force feeding him. A ghastly mix of liver, molasses, Karo syrup and vitamins from a recipe that I had been given years ago when Sebastien was stricken.

He was doing better this morning, but when I got home from work I could see just how much he has deteriorated, just 4 short days ago I was fighting him for my food now I am begging him to eat. If the SubQ does not help and I doubt it will as I need a miracle I will be taking him in for euthanizing. then I will start watching Durante as I have noticed that she is developing the distended belly as well.
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