Today was the day where Gianni and Isadora finally got their surgeries, I was up very early packed them up and dropped them off. When I got home Frankie and Carmen were upset looking for their siblings who were not to be found. when I am stress I start to groom things. the cats, the plants,

Frankie got a bath. He was very good about it. He watched me fill the tub and put down the towel. I reread the instructions on the shampoo which was a neem based shampoo to help with the insect issue. Wet fur, apply, lather, WAIT 5 minutes, and rinse.

Poor Frankie was not happy about the water, it was cooler than it should have been but then our water for some reason goes around the house not through the house and is chill by the time it reaches the bathroom especially in winter.

after a brisk aplication of the shampoo I let him wander the bathroom for a bit. but kept rubbing the lather as he was shivering and i did not want him to chill. Then back into the tub for a rinse. The towel is wonderful for this as I can pull up water and squeeze it over and onto the fur. I also use the towel to getly wipe the face clean and check ears. now for a quick dry of the shivering little boy. fresh dry towel followed by the dryer set on low and a few spritzes of grooming spray with a UV protectorant

one of the best things about a short haired kitten is that they dry fairly fast. When he was suffeciently dry I let him set in the sun. It is warmer there than in the house.

as you can see he is a little angel

Now if I could just get Robber to let me bathe him life would be good.
He has the sweetest expression! What a great boy to be so good for his bath.
the new group have all been good about baths. i think it is that i started them with baths when i caught them. so they know they feel better afterwards. i still get sick when i look at the pictures of Isadora's first bath.
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