Last night little Carmencatra was not to be found.
This morning again,
Finally as I was getting ready to leave I heard what was either a cat or a bird in distress. I got back out of the car and listened, slowly moving down the block as the little meows got louder there she was 5 houses down on the other side of the block in the back yard 2/3rd the way up a large thankfully not huge redwood tree was my hysterical little girl crying at me, one neighbor had said they had heard something during the night but could not find her. I went back home and got an extendable ladder and slowly talked Carmen down. She had been at least 30 feet in the air, the lowest branch was 12 feet above the ground, my ladder stopped right there. The branches might have been strong enough to hold me but thankfully she worked her way down to were I could grab her. She cuddled into my throat all the way home her heart going a mile a minute with the ladder over my shoulder. I did not set her down until i could put her on my bed with treats and food, quickly did my errands and came back she is now following me around crying and purring.
I knew if she got herself up she could get down and I told her she was being a cliche kitty.