It was sweet, I was trying to take Lu for a ride but a large truck went by and scared her so instead of traumatizing her I let her stay in the safety of the house. She never was keen on the car but she does like the beach.
M'Agnes though was waiting buy the door, so I went and got her harness. She jumped up on the bed and assisted me in putting it on her and came into my arms as I went outside to the car. We made one stop on the way and I let her walk a bit. She did her meet and greet with a few people and finally we continued on to Rumpelstiltskin's.
She stepped into the carrier and was a good girl about staying in it even though she could have easily gotten out. She cried a bit when she thought she was being ignored and when a customer started to pet her she quieted but she was not happy about it.
Back in the car she laid down beside me and was an angel on the drive.
We stopped at a petco to get her her treats and she was allowed to roam the store.
She was weighed there on the cookie scale She is just 6lbs and she is 10 days from being 8 months old.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Day of Trauma
Today started like the rest. I was asleep with many cats.
But I could not stay asleep, I had to many places to go and things needing to get done.
First I had to wake up and feed the ferals and house crew including the bunny.
I found Blackberry had been sitting in the rain again but at least she was not so furry this time and easier to dry...... M'Agnes at this time managed to eat some fiber and was gagging so i had to make a quick grab to get everything out of her mouth.
Following this was a road trip that I had not been able to get to but had planned for a while now..... drop off swap package!
On the way I dropped off fabric at work for the store Santa Photos.. I dropped off what I could find and the store can work with that.
I am happy to say I love the navigator on the DROID 2 all I have to do is say where I want to go and it takes care of the rest the only part it does not do is the driving. If you miss a turn do to lack of sign it re routes to get you back to the destination.NNNNIIIIIIICCEEEEE
At this stop I let M'Agnes walk for a bit while making sure the package was not visible from the road and then we all continued to Sacramento to Rumpelstiltskin's. M'Agnes was being good and so I was stupid and let her wander.
First she went to visit with Nami at the Tea Cosy where she was a nosy little angel.
Next she wandered back to the yarn shop where she played greeter.
Then she got curious and discovered a hole in the wall and had to investigate.
She got caught under the stairs behind the wall and we all had a tiny freak session thinking we were going to have to call the Fire Dept. to have her cut out of the wall.
Linda tried to reach her with a pole to see if she could knock loose the leash from what ever it was caught on but could not get it. I was in a dither trying to figure out the cost of cutting and repairing a hole in a very old brick building. Finally I had a chance to see my girl and was able to hook the pole through her harness and catch it I managed to pull the leash about a foot.
Relief was short as the hook on the pool snapped, I felt so bad about breaking the pole, but now I had a plan I was going to the nearest hardware store for a tree lopper so I could reach in and cut the leash.
There I was driving to the closest store when the phone rang... i was only 4 minutes from the store and my mom was letting me know that M'Agnes was in her arms. It seems that when I left it upset her to the point she pulled herself closer to the opening so that my Mom who was talking to her could grab her..
I have now promised to Never bring her back, or if I do she is to stay in her carrier.
But I could not stay asleep, I had to many places to go and things needing to get done.
First I had to wake up and feed the ferals and house crew including the bunny.
I found Blackberry had been sitting in the rain again but at least she was not so furry this time and easier to dry...... M'Agnes at this time managed to eat some fiber and was gagging so i had to make a quick grab to get everything out of her mouth.
Following this was a road trip that I had not been able to get to but had planned for a while now..... drop off swap package!
On the way I dropped off fabric at work for the store Santa Photos.. I dropped off what I could find and the store can work with that.
I am happy to say I love the navigator on the DROID 2 all I have to do is say where I want to go and it takes care of the rest the only part it does not do is the driving. If you miss a turn do to lack of sign it re routes to get you back to the destination.NNNNIIIIIIICCEEEEE
At this stop I let M'Agnes walk for a bit while making sure the package was not visible from the road and then we all continued to Sacramento to Rumpelstiltskin's. M'Agnes was being good and so I was stupid and let her wander.
First she went to visit with Nami at the Tea Cosy where she was a nosy little angel.
Next she wandered back to the yarn shop where she played greeter.
Then she got curious and discovered a hole in the wall and had to investigate.
She got caught under the stairs behind the wall and we all had a tiny freak session thinking we were going to have to call the Fire Dept. to have her cut out of the wall.
Linda tried to reach her with a pole to see if she could knock loose the leash from what ever it was caught on but could not get it. I was in a dither trying to figure out the cost of cutting and repairing a hole in a very old brick building. Finally I had a chance to see my girl and was able to hook the pole through her harness and catch it I managed to pull the leash about a foot.
Relief was short as the hook on the pool snapped, I felt so bad about breaking the pole, but now I had a plan I was going to the nearest hardware store for a tree lopper so I could reach in and cut the leash.
There I was driving to the closest store when the phone rang... i was only 4 minutes from the store and my mom was letting me know that M'Agnes was in her arms. It seems that when I left it upset her to the point she pulled herself closer to the opening so that my Mom who was talking to her could grab her..
I have now promised to Never bring her back, or if I do she is to stay in her carrier.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ravelry anniverary
Today I have been on Ravelry for exactly 3 years. Where has all the time gone.
I first was invited on by a friend and THIS site has taken over my life.
I even check in when I get the chance at work.
I have met wonderful people who have become friends that I want to eventually meet.
I have learned even more about cats than I thought possible. I have found support Ravelry is a knitting and crochet forum after all
How could i possible meet all these wonderful people and in meeting them learn more about the world I live in.
I can ask questions and get answers and so far only met a few that are only happy if they are arguing and forcing their opinion but there is a wonderful feature on Ravelry. You can click IGNORE and they seem to disappear to bad this does not happen in real life.
On the very bad side I now have more stash then i ever thought i would as well but such is life.
I first was invited on by a friend and THIS site has taken over my life.
I even check in when I get the chance at work.
I have met wonderful people who have become friends that I want to eventually meet.
I have learned even more about cats than I thought possible. I have found support Ravelry is a knitting and crochet forum after all
How could i possible meet all these wonderful people and in meeting them learn more about the world I live in.
I can ask questions and get answers and so far only met a few that are only happy if they are arguing and forcing their opinion but there is a wonderful feature on Ravelry. You can click IGNORE and they seem to disappear to bad this does not happen in real life.
On the very bad side I now have more stash then i ever thought i would as well but such is life.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The number 3
I have always been fascinated by numbers.
I have also always failed at math.
My favorite number is 13,
my least favorite is 3 especially today.
I finally got hold of Isadora who has a wound on her tail, Lakota who has a wound on her neck and Mikael who has a wound across his nose.
Each kitty was taken to the bathroom and got the hot soaking wet washrag applied to their persons which was followed by antibiotic ointment.
Isadora is right now washing her wound as she is the only one that can reach her tongue to her wound.
Lakota is locked in the back room,
Mikael is sitting in my closet waiting for a door to open. As the temperature is to dip to the upper 30's I am keeping them in for the night.
Robber is ensconced on the top of my shelves and Lusitania is demanding treats from behind me. She is currently dealing with a runny eye which is telling me she is having a herpes flare up from the stress of the trip.
Oliver is guarding his bed of the day which use to be Isolde's.
M'Agnes is on the lamby under the fishtank.
I have also always failed at math.
My favorite number is 13,
my least favorite is 3 especially today.
I finally got hold of Isadora who has a wound on her tail, Lakota who has a wound on her neck and Mikael who has a wound across his nose.
Each kitty was taken to the bathroom and got the hot soaking wet washrag applied to their persons which was followed by antibiotic ointment.
Isadora is right now washing her wound as she is the only one that can reach her tongue to her wound.
Lakota is locked in the back room,
Mikael is sitting in my closet waiting for a door to open. As the temperature is to dip to the upper 30's I am keeping them in for the night.
Robber is ensconced on the top of my shelves and Lusitania is demanding treats from behind me. She is currently dealing with a runny eye which is telling me she is having a herpes flare up from the stress of the trip.
Oliver is guarding his bed of the day which use to be Isolde's.
M'Agnes is on the lamby under the fishtank.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I heard something interesting
Tonight after work I was getting worried as I had not seen any of the cats in the parking lot.
I set down some kibble and wet for the one I did see, which was Greymalkin. Then I drove up to the other end to check on the girls nothing. No one was there so I set down a tin for whomever might show up.
On the way back toward the front of the parking lot I saw Brenda pull up. I asked about the cats as none showed up. She said I would not see them as she had them. It turns out that someone said a memo went out that the cats were to be trapped and taken to animal control. Odd I never heard anything, and animal control has more to do then to round up a small maintained colony of feral cats.
She said that they are in a safe place and a bigger place is being built for them. I will miss them, but I am glad they are out of the parking lot.
I also said as the are now safe do not bring them back, they will get use to were they are as it will be their new home.
So I will no longer see Spot or Tux or the girls but I will keep an eye out for the old one and Greymalkin until she catches them.
I set down some kibble and wet for the one I did see, which was Greymalkin. Then I drove up to the other end to check on the girls nothing. No one was there so I set down a tin for whomever might show up.
On the way back toward the front of the parking lot I saw Brenda pull up. I asked about the cats as none showed up. She said I would not see them as she had them. It turns out that someone said a memo went out that the cats were to be trapped and taken to animal control. Odd I never heard anything, and animal control has more to do then to round up a small maintained colony of feral cats.
She said that they are in a safe place and a bigger place is being built for them. I will miss them, but I am glad they are out of the parking lot.
I also said as the are now safe do not bring them back, they will get use to were they are as it will be their new home.
So I will no longer see Spot or Tux or the girls but I will keep an eye out for the old one and Greymalkin until she catches them.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
day trip
We just had a daytripper vacation
M'Agnes was watching the dogs that were at the house where we stayed in Oregon.
It was a very restful time even if is was a LONG drive.
We stopped at many truck stop rest areas and went for walks.
We stopped to look at Mt. Shasta. Such a beautiful mountain.

I love the way this cat sits the fence
It was a very restful time even if is was a LONG drive.
We stopped to look at Mt. Shasta. Such a beautiful mountain.
I love the way this cat sits the fence
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thoughts on loss
This has been a very bad month. It seems everyone is losing a cat. Yesterday I found out that Loader the beautiful Maine coon looking cat that had been abandoned where I work has died.

This gorgeous cat that had at one time been a loved pet, a family member that was abandoned before Christmas last year with his buddy Tux died alone under a store. I had wanted them out of the parking lot but not this way.

Tux came a bit into the store tonight, he sat on the welcome mat and cried a bit as he watched the rain. He only stayed in a few minutes until a car drove up.
I am really tired of writing sad posts, I am really tired of crying because I cannot do anything to save some of these cats that show up in my life.
I know that one day we i can I will get those I can out of this area and hopefully to a better life. I pray it is soon.

This gorgeous cat that had at one time been a loved pet, a family member that was abandoned before Christmas last year with his buddy Tux died alone under a store. I had wanted them out of the parking lot but not this way.

Tux came a bit into the store tonight, he sat on the welcome mat and cried a bit as he watched the rain. He only stayed in a few minutes until a car drove up.
I am really tired of writing sad posts, I am really tired of crying because I cannot do anything to save some of these cats that show up in my life.
I know that one day we i can I will get those I can out of this area and hopefully to a better life. I pray it is soon.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Having a bad day
Today started off so good to. I woke up snuggled in kitties, Moira by my cheek, Lu on her perch, Robber behind me and Dash on my toes. The rest of the day really went to hell.
Blackberry had a follow up appointment she is doing good and I was given the go ahead to place her back out in the enclosure. Within seconds Delilah started to attack her so she is now back in the hospital cage until I can find another way to house her and find a new home for Delilah.
Then we went to IKEA and for the first time ever I found nothing that I wanted, the lunch was blah, the new displays boring, the pet section gone. They even changed the tiny food market to unappealing and not shop friendly.
Leaving there we went to the Nordstroms Rack which was across the street to see if I could find any new shoes for work. Well maybe if I worked in an office or was a 'Party Girl for Hire' I would have found something to work in but nothing that would work with my job. I did buy some hair clips an acrylic ring and a pair of heaty therapy booties-do not attempt to walk in these as the microwave bags in the bottom will pull them right off of your feet but the do warm your feet if you are going to be stationary.
Then as we are driving home I saw in the divide of the road a seagull sitting looking around not moving. We turned around and I picked it up and as we were right across the street from the wildlife refuge I tried there first to find out what to do with it.. I was sent to the rehabilitaion center where no one was and finally I called my vet to see if I could take it there. The poor thing died in my arms as I was getting out of the car at the vets office.
At least it did not die in traffic.
Blackberry had a follow up appointment she is doing good and I was given the go ahead to place her back out in the enclosure. Within seconds Delilah started to attack her so she is now back in the hospital cage until I can find another way to house her and find a new home for Delilah.
Then we went to IKEA and for the first time ever I found nothing that I wanted, the lunch was blah, the new displays boring, the pet section gone. They even changed the tiny food market to unappealing and not shop friendly.
Leaving there we went to the Nordstroms Rack which was across the street to see if I could find any new shoes for work. Well maybe if I worked in an office or was a 'Party Girl for Hire' I would have found something to work in but nothing that would work with my job. I did buy some hair clips an acrylic ring and a pair of heaty therapy booties-do not attempt to walk in these as the microwave bags in the bottom will pull them right off of your feet but the do warm your feet if you are going to be stationary.
Then as we are driving home I saw in the divide of the road a seagull sitting looking around not moving. We turned around and I picked it up and as we were right across the street from the wildlife refuge I tried there first to find out what to do with it.. I was sent to the rehabilitaion center where no one was and finally I called my vet to see if I could take it there. The poor thing died in my arms as I was getting out of the car at the vets office.
At least it did not die in traffic.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It Is Set
Today M'Agnes was scheduled for her Big Girl Surgery.
October 14Th is the big day, so now I worry and hope that it will all be good.
She got a bath today and was very good with it only after I crawled in with her. If I was holding her in the shower it was OK just forget having to walk in that nasty water. M'Agnes is now sleeping on one of the perches Isadora has claimed the fancy pedestal and my Robber is finishing my dinner which was butternut squash ravioli in olive oil and butter topped with chicken.
CarmenKatra is looking more and more like her brother so I am constantly reminded of him. She really does have a similar build not nearly as delicate as Isadora. I still feel like I need to write a better tribute but the words still do not form.
October 14Th is the big day, so now I worry and hope that it will all be good.
She got a bath today and was very good with it only after I crawled in with her. If I was holding her in the shower it was OK just forget having to walk in that nasty water. M'Agnes is now sleeping on one of the perches Isadora has claimed the fancy pedestal and my Robber is finishing my dinner which was butternut squash ravioli in olive oil and butter topped with chicken.
CarmenKatra is looking more and more like her brother so I am constantly reminded of him. She really does have a similar build not nearly as delicate as Isadora. I still feel like I need to write a better tribute but the words still do not form.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
cleaning attempt
OK i finally have a day off and i want to get some cleaning done. hopefully it works out better this time than last time. I also really want to finish the bed i am knitting. Making my own bed would be a plus.
Survey room: The cats have again knocked every thing on the shelves down; solution throw it all away. never have to pick it up again.
lets see if that gets done.
Knitting: Kinji is of course sleeping in the middle of it so no can not touch!
Bed: knitting project is on the bed Kinji is on project so no cannot touch.
Next step try to find a place to store empty reptile tanks other than in room so i have space to set up new computer system.
Also need to re-organise books and under bed storage.
And while doing this i need to keep vigil over a kitten that has hit Madolescence.
Survey room: The cats have again knocked every thing on the shelves down; solution throw it all away. never have to pick it up again.
lets see if that gets done.
Knitting: Kinji is of course sleeping in the middle of it so no can not touch!
Bed: knitting project is on the bed Kinji is on project so no cannot touch.
Next step try to find a place to store empty reptile tanks other than in room so i have space to set up new computer system.
Also need to re-organise books and under bed storage.
And while doing this i need to keep vigil over a kitten that has hit Madolescence.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
hopefuly this reset of my password holds this is getting frustrating. coming up with a new one almost daily.
M'Agnes is going good, she is back to herself from scaring me by not handling heat at all but then she is only 3.9LBS
Carmen and Isadora are crazy and driving me that way
Oliver makes me sad, I wish he got on with the other cats but he is so frightened of them.
M'Agnes is going good, she is back to herself from scaring me by not handling heat at all but then she is only 3.9LBS
Carmen and Isadora are crazy and driving me that way
Oliver makes me sad, I wish he got on with the other cats but he is so frightened of them.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
today has been expensive
I woke up today cuddled in kitties, and finally went out to take care of feeding the ferals and the rabbits. My mom asked me to finish hanging up the laundry as she was in a hurry to get to an appointment. As i reached inside the washing machine i saw my phone. I love my phone, i love the way it feels in my hand and the camera on it is fantastic. I picked it up and all the pieces and sighed as i hung it up to dry shaking water from it. I used the canned air to try to force some of the water out and had little success.
So we went to the store to look at new phones since even if it does still work after drying it will not work as good and the camera will most likely be beyond help. I got the prices at the verizon store for the DROID2 and compared them with costco. funny verizon was actually cheaper. I also got a new computer at Frys Electronics, a Gateway which came with a Canon printer. Lots of mail in rebates more than i could afford i am still cringing. the worst thing was that as the salesman was trying to help me set up my accounts on the DROID i could not get my gmail password to work so i have to go home and see if i can get it off of my PC which has it stored. 3 hours later and still no luck, I left a msg on the forum for possible help but i am not holding my breath. It may be that i will only be able to blog from this pc that likes to crash. Which is probably my fault for spilling tea on the keyboard a few months ago. Time to go re-figure finances
So we went to the store to look at new phones since even if it does still work after drying it will not work as good and the camera will most likely be beyond help. I got the prices at the verizon store for the DROID2 and compared them with costco. funny verizon was actually cheaper. I also got a new computer at Frys Electronics, a Gateway which came with a Canon printer. Lots of mail in rebates more than i could afford i am still cringing. the worst thing was that as the salesman was trying to help me set up my accounts on the DROID i could not get my gmail password to work so i have to go home and see if i can get it off of my PC which has it stored. 3 hours later and still no luck, I left a msg on the forum for possible help but i am not holding my breath. It may be that i will only be able to blog from this pc that likes to crash. Which is probably my fault for spilling tea on the keyboard a few months ago. Time to go re-figure finances
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Trip to Sac
We went to Sacramento today. It was very hot too. M'Agnes was not happy about the temp which i believe was possibly over 100.
I bought some roving to make another felted bed, I have been curious about knitting up straight roving so now i can find out i bought 10 ounces of natural 2 ounces of periwinkle and 2 of a leaf green if nothing else it will be turned into a felted bed.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I am worried about Kinji.
He is more my fathers cat than mine and i had not noticed that he was losing so much weight. He is always sleeping when i see him and has always had loose stool which i had thought came from his habit of eating whatever having been on the streets. Kinji is also old, I have no idea of his age as he was adopted as an adult. Now he sleeps in my room as i keep my room very warm. I need to get him to the vet on my next day off. I can hope it is bad worms but he is the only one with the watery poop. He is oozing poop when he sleeps. Mom thinks he need to be let go, and i almost agree but i will let the Dr. decide. The good news is he still eats which means hope is to be had.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ok it has been a while since i last posted,
Distractions a plenty
we were at the beach the other day. it was very peaceful and although there were a lot of people there no one got all excited aboutt he kitten though M'Anes was noticed.

Carmen is doing good she is back to her jumping and playing and teaching M'Agnes to wrestle, which is funny it looks like Sumo wrestling.
Dash has been affectionate lately, he has been approaching me for grooming and random caresses. He is letting me clean the junk from his eyes and examine his feet. He is sooooo very beautiful now all glossy coated and clear eyed. He has taken over the first kitty Pi I ever made. a hideous brown with pinky purple fake fur trim. I think he likes it as it is mainly brown as is he.
Robber has been playing with M'Agnes as well, now that she is more bouncy and not so fragile. He is still cautious of her but he really seems to like a smaller kitty to rough house with.
Lusitania is still playing Momma, She is the only one that will forcibly groom M'Agnes while getting her ears munched.
Moira does not care at all for the little heathen
and Kinji is still WTF is THAT! but he is not attacking her just hissing from time to time.
Oliver is very good with her and plays until Gabrielli finds him and start to stalk him. I and getting real tired of that.
The calendar is now with the printers so it is now out of my hands, I was having such a time trying to weed it down to 13 pictures that i had proofs printed and handed them to Mom to weed out. So now I wait to find out how long it will take and go from there. I am having 50 printed and 33 are claimed as of now.
As to my dyeing experiments the current is mangosteen it is fermenting right now. I wonder what I am going to get as the fluid is viscous red like blood. It will probably be brown but only one way to find out.
Distractions a plenty
we were at the beach the other day. it was very peaceful and although there were a lot of people there no one got all excited aboutt he kitten though M'Anes was noticed.
Carmen is doing good she is back to her jumping and playing and teaching M'Agnes to wrestle, which is funny it looks like Sumo wrestling.
Dash has been affectionate lately, he has been approaching me for grooming and random caresses. He is letting me clean the junk from his eyes and examine his feet. He is sooooo very beautiful now all glossy coated and clear eyed. He has taken over the first kitty Pi I ever made. a hideous brown with pinky purple fake fur trim. I think he likes it as it is mainly brown as is he.
Robber has been playing with M'Agnes as well, now that she is more bouncy and not so fragile. He is still cautious of her but he really seems to like a smaller kitty to rough house with.
Lusitania is still playing Momma, She is the only one that will forcibly groom M'Agnes while getting her ears munched.
Moira does not care at all for the little heathen
and Kinji is still WTF is THAT! but he is not attacking her just hissing from time to time.
Oliver is very good with her and plays until Gabrielli finds him and start to stalk him. I and getting real tired of that.
The calendar is now with the printers so it is now out of my hands, I was having such a time trying to weed it down to 13 pictures that i had proofs printed and handed them to Mom to weed out. So now I wait to find out how long it will take and go from there. I am having 50 printed and 33 are claimed as of now.
As to my dyeing experiments the current is mangosteen it is fermenting right now. I wonder what I am going to get as the fluid is viscous red like blood. It will probably be brown but only one way to find out.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I did not get all i planned done today.

I wanted to work more on organizing my living space ha ha
Clean the rabbits area thoroughly / DONE
get Carmencatra back to the vet she has a lump at the side of her neck
work on some dye experiments *in progress*
post some items to friends (mail) not even close
work on the calendar *still have time*
Things accomplished
the vet : Carmen has a swollen lymph node. antibiotics for a week and watch if not better bring back for tests could be anything but lets rule out lymphoma please she is only a year! so yet another fear for the remainder of this litter.
The rabbit enclosure done swept and cleaned, bunnies and M'Agnes happy.
M'Agnes got a bath
Hibiscus dying experiment will post pictures later so far a lovely lovely colour.
I wanted to work more on organizing my living space ha ha
Clean the rabbits area thoroughly / DONE
get Carmencatra back to the vet she has a lump at the side of her neck
work on some dye experiments *in progress*
post some items to friends (mail) not even close
work on the calendar *still have time*
Things accomplished
the vet : Carmen has a swollen lymph node. antibiotics for a week and watch if not better bring back for tests could be anything but lets rule out lymphoma please she is only a year! so yet another fear for the remainder of this litter.
The rabbit enclosure done swept and cleaned, bunnies and M'Agnes happy.
M'Agnes got a bath
Hibiscus dying experiment will post pictures later so far a lovely lovely colour.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Today Gabrielli has had another episode, I found her sitting on a ledge staring as if she did not know where to go. I picked her up and brought her in, started to brush her to help her calm down. This did not work and she got more agitated.
While i was trying to get her to calm Carmen came into the room and started to watch Gabrielli very closely. Not a good sign so i went to pick up Gab to take her into another room also to trim her nails since i wasn't to trusting of her. Right as I picked her up Carmen slapped at her, she caught me instead, it seems that she was trying to protect me from the cat she perceived to be attacking me. It is good that she got me in the back of the forearm not the inner part where all the veins are.
I did not react just continued on to take Gabrielli out and trim her nails which were major hooks and then put her in the isolation room. this is the room that usually gets the pheromone so she was left there for an hour. During which i trimmed Moira,Carmen and Isadora, Then brought back out for more brushing and cuddling. It makes me so sad that she has these episodes, and the veterinarians will not prescribe anything until they can observe one of the episodes.
Sometimes I think it would have been better if I had not tried to help her when she had the reaction to the rabies vaccine and had let her slide away.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
An Update on Carmen
My little girl is on opiate pain killer now, She has a back strain and her patella is slipped which is making it hard to walk smoothly. I did not want to give her the med I wanted to as the Dr. said let her heal naturally but with watching her it was obvious she needed some relief and so she is being drugged.
As she is sleeping i am trying to give time to Lusitania who is also seeming upset. I think with he it is seeing that all my attention has been on other cats and not so much on her. I have purchased for her her favourite treats but she is ignoring them and just rubbing against me flicking her tail in the *I am so very very annoyed* way and meowing which usually means i am to go to sleep NEOOOW.
My Lu is sporting scratches across her nose which I think she has received from M'Agnes.
Tomorrow they all get Capstar as they have been getting bad infestations of fleas.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Rest in peace my Gianni
Today my Father woke me up saying that Kinji had been hit and i needed to go get him. His body was in front of the neighbors house. I was thinking that it was odd as I could still feel Kinji's, 'presents' and this would not be the first time he had mistaken a cats identity. No it was not Kinji, I later found Kinji asleep on one of the pillows in the backyard. No the loss was one of my feral cats.
Gianni had been struck so hard that his body had been tossed 8 feet, i saw all the splatters, this is a residential area the speed limit is 25 MPH yet he was hit so hard that they left pieces of plastic from their car. I am trying to make this as coherent as possible, but it is hard to type and cry at the same time.
Gianni was such an incredibly handsome boy, He was affectionate to the extreme with his LOVE ME and ONLY ME ways, He would play with all, spar with all and still stuff his face in every ones food dish while they were eating.
My Carmenkatra is now in deep mourning.
She went to where I had laid him so that they could say their goodbyes and know Gianni would not be coming back, She was his sister and I think they had been playing when it happened, I don't think she was hit but is showing signs of pain i examined her when she was holding up her paw shivering. She growled at me but not in an I'm in pain way. I was a very lonely sad sound. Since I had seen paw prints nearby I think they were hers
The rest sniffed and then went about their business.
I am going to miss him he was such a clown but I know he is now with his brother Frankie
Rest in Peace my Gianni you were only 1 year old.
She went to where I had laid him so that they could say their goodbyes and know Gianni would not be coming back, She was his sister and I think they had been playing when it happened, I don't think she was hit but is showing signs of pain i examined her when she was holding up her paw shivering. She growled at me but not in an I'm in pain way. I was a very lonely sad sound. Since I had seen paw prints nearby I think they were hers
The rest sniffed and then went about their business.
I am going to miss him he was such a clown but I know he is now with his brother Frankie
Rest in Peace my Gianni you were only 1 year old.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Beach day
Awww today a day of resting breathing the sea air looking for shells and walking a kitten who is now big enough to wear a ferret harness.

It was nice when we got there only a few people were there for lunch and were in the process of leaving so we pretty much had it to ourselves.
Little Miss M'Agnes was keen on taking my Mother for a walk through the bushes.
M'Agnes had fun on the sand as well. She spent time trying to catch mom who was off collecting things on the beach.
She was not crazy about the noise but REFUSED to be in the carrier or held. It was a fun day to be there we did not stay very long and she almost got ran over by a little boy who did not see her as she was pretty well camouflaged against the sand.
I sadly did not get enough pictures as i kept trying to keep up with her tangents.
After we left we did a short stop at a yarn store were she was cuddled and loved and played with until she took a nap being th etired little girl that she was.
It was nice when we got there only a few people were there for lunch and were in the process of leaving so we pretty much had it to ourselves.
Little Miss M'Agnes was keen on taking my Mother for a walk through the bushes.
She was not crazy about the noise but REFUSED to be in the carrier or held. It was a fun day to be there we did not stay very long and she almost got ran over by a little boy who did not see her as she was pretty well camouflaged against the sand.
After we left we did a short stop at a yarn store were she was cuddled and loved and played with until she took a nap being th etired little girl that she was.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ok so today i have been trying to decide which pictures to use in the calendar. I have been working on collages as well so some of the months will have a collage some will be a single picture. i am now having problems getting the collages over to my flash drive so epic frustration is prevalent.
since i am not savvy with a lot of the tools on my computer i am thinking i am missing something but i am convinced that i will get it figured out eventually. i am a little daunted that i will be publishing my pictures this is something I always joked about but never thought i would actually do.
Still need to figure out how much the postage will be to those out of the country.

since i am not savvy with a lot of the tools on my computer i am thinking i am missing something but i am convinced that i will get it figured out eventually. i am a little daunted that i will be publishing my pictures this is something I always joked about but never thought i would actually do.
Still need to figure out how much the postage will be to those out of the country.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy July 4th
Today of course I left my camera at home! Today at work was a vaccination clinic so i took M'Agnes to work with me.....BUT I had my phone!
She was a complete angel. she stayed at the register, she never complained she never tried to jump, she put up with ALL the handling. As you can see she has a new dress that she will grow into. She also got an animal print ferret harness that she wore and had fun taking employees for walks.

The Vet tech was so happy to see her, that as soon as he entered the store he came immediately to the counter and cuddled her. After her shot she slept very deeply much to the amusement of some coworkers who were trying to get her to play.

The Vet tech was so happy to see her, that as soon as he entered the store he came immediately to the counter and cuddled her. After her shot she slept very deeply much to the amusement of some coworkers who were trying to get her to play.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Calendar cats
OK now since i have been asked for a calendar i will gather pictures together.
M'Agnes will definitely be in it plus a few of the other fuzzies.
Here are a few of the potential pictures i will be trying to find the best ones. And I will mark her Birthday in the calendar for you.
If you would like one post me a message I will try to keep them affordable but will have to tack on postage. it is looking like $14 is going to be the tag on it to help cover the job and postage. I was looking at the digital calendars but my laptop does not have the programs needed unfortunately.
Believe me I have a lot of pictures to choose from, so let me know if you want a calendar.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sad news
Today i talked with Marina, She called in tears. It seems the breeder went to another vet to have the kitten euthanized.
So now i sit here,with tears looking at the picture of that bright eyed kitten. A kitten that had so much to live for. A kitten that just needed another week or two of mothers milk to be strong enough for a surgery so she could eat.
I look at my M'Agnes and know just howclose the little one came to being dead. Just one person to save a precious kitten,just one other to selfishly put one down.
So now i sit here,with tears looking at the picture of that bright eyed kitten. A kitten that had so much to live for. A kitten that just needed another week or two of mothers milk to be strong enough for a surgery so she could eat.
I look at my M'Agnes and know just howclose the little one came to being dead. Just one person to save a precious kitten,just one other to selfishly put one down.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Loader is getting more comfortable with me.
He let me pick him up tonight, so of course as i am starting to cuddle a car goes screeching past. He did not claw to get away but he did push away and hovered in my hands until he was calm enough for me to cuddle. I worked at some of his stickered fur. he is getting burs and grass seeds caught in his coat,then let him go to be under his shelter again. I will miss him when he is gone but it will be better for him. the group is also aware that he has a buddy and will be trying to catch him as well. Hopefully Brenda will catch the red tom soon and i can have my trap back i noticed some subadults on the street.
On the home front, i saw Mikael tonight and Oliver was outside with the crew. Gabrielli chased someone but i am not sure who i was tending the bunnies when i hear the commotion. I have not seen Buttercup in a very long time now.
He let me pick him up tonight, so of course as i am starting to cuddle a car goes screeching past. He did not claw to get away but he did push away and hovered in my hands until he was calm enough for me to cuddle. I worked at some of his stickered fur. he is getting burs and grass seeds caught in his coat,then let him go to be under his shelter again. I will miss him when he is gone but it will be better for him. the group is also aware that he has a buddy and will be trying to catch him as well. Hopefully Brenda will catch the red tom soon and i can have my trap back i noticed some subadults on the street.
On the home front, i saw Mikael tonight and Oliver was outside with the crew. Gabrielli chased someone but i am not sure who i was tending the bunnies when i hear the commotion. I have not seen Buttercup in a very long time now.
Aid needed for a kitten

I have found out about a very pretty kitty in France that is in need of an operation to fix her throat. She cannot keep anything solid down whatever she eats come right back up and she must by held up as she is eating.
The breeder she has come from wants her destroyed as they want to make money not lose money. The veterinary that she was taken to has accepted her surrender they will perform the surgery then after will put her up for adoption. The adoption fee will be the cost of the surgery. This is i think 1300 euros. Lisa and I are trying to help get funds to help cover this surgery so that the Angel can have a home. France does not have the foundations for cats that we do here in America. So we are trying to help offset the cost of surgery. the money will be sent to Lisa who can then send a cheque to the hospital and also can send out the donation receipts for tax purposes. For those on Ravelry contact LisaWyo about the French kitten or TMTA59 who has brought her to my attention.
Right now the kitten is back with the breeder so that she can be 'fattened' up before the surgery as she can only take mommy milk she is with her mommy for a little bit more. The breeder is definitely abandoning her to the veterinary.
Thank you
Thursday, June 10, 2010
the kittens/cats are all perfect i have been getting visits from some i have not seen in a while. I have not seen Buttercup though and i am sad about that.
I have been in contact with Maine Coon Rescue and i may have gotten Loader taken care of. I hope they take his buddy Tux as well even if that leaves Spot alone. I do not know what to do with her but i do not know how long i will be working at this location and i want them all taken care of. I talked with Brenda and she is sad but admits that Loader at least would be better off out of the lot.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
learning how to post video
Just having a little fun and learning how to use the apps on the camera. I still have an easier time with the phone camera but it will get easier with play
The little boy eating is one of my favorites. Yarn for scale is also good.
Magnus has come a long way from a scrap of fluff to an actual kitten.
A kitten that is learning to be demanding at that!
for the video plz click the button
, a fancy photo sharing thing. a video and picture

The little boy eating is one of my favorites. Yarn for scale is also good.
Magnus has come a long way from a scrap of fluff to an actual kitten.
A kitten that is learning to be demanding at that!

for the video plz click the button
Sunday, May 30, 2010
If only i had more hands......
I wish I could have gotten a video of Lu "trying to steal Magnus's bottle" unfortunately I only have 2 hands. To hold the bottle in one and magnus in the other makes it very impossible to the camera as well! Every time Magnus noticed that Lu was close to the bottle actually washing the milk off of his chest he would slap at her.
Instead I have magnus learning to pounce.. he chickened out though...
he is such a charactor getting all sassy with his adopted mommy.
Instead I have magnus learning to pounce.. he chickened out though...
he is such a charactor getting all sassy with his adopted mommy.
For the Love of Magnus
I really do wish i could share with you all the joy of raising this kitten. watching his eyes open for the first time. Seeing the first wobbly steps. the miracle of him climbing into the litter box himself and begin the scratch.
I do not think i would be doing so good at raising him if it had not been for my Lusitania. Lu took over the mommy cat duties of washing and pottying him. She showed him the litter box, I was not sure what she was doing when she went in and sprayed everywhere but he soon followed and is now using the box.

Today is the second day that he has had baby meat to eat. I takes him a minute but he does eat when he gets a bit in his mouth he starts to suck it all up.
This has been a miracle for me.

Today is the second day that he has had baby meat to eat. I takes him a minute but he does eat when he gets a bit in his mouth he starts to suck it all up.
This has been a miracle for me.
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