I have sent my little feral kitten Duncan over the rainbow bridge.

He started showing signs of distress, breathing heavily his belly shrinking never leaving the heating mat. I took him to the vet with little hope of a good outcome.

My vet did a thorough examination. extremely high temp, breathing loud, gums going blue, his lungs and heart muffled. he was just over 6 months old. i just got the call that ruled out FeLv and FIV which leaves FIP of the wet variety which was what i suspected.
im so sorry about duncun how is isadora doing i bet she misses her brother sending lots of hugs and purrs from my babies to yours and from me to you, duncan and merwyn are up in heaven chasing butterflies and in merwyns case probably hummingbirds. gentle hugs vicki
Isadora is missing her brother, she comes up for more hugs and cuddles than she used to. she no longer greats me with hisses.
Thank you for the Hugs.
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