My Robber peacefully asleep in his mosquito net tent, He can be almost invisible when there. I will hunt and go crazy trying to find him. finally see a ripple of movement in the net and there he is blissfully dreaming.
My Robert E Leroy may look like a MC cat but he is not, at barely 7lbs this spunky little punk of a cat has the look and the attitude but none of the characteristics of a coonie.

this my little Rockstar is a gem of a kitty, he is social to other cats loves to invite his groupies over and have me feed them. he has quite the cadre now. Dash and Oliver are his main Buds and they pick on the girls usually Gabrielli but sometimes Moira, they know better than to mess with Isolde, Lu and Lakota would take 'em down.
He started off as a foundling in Modesto and i got him by accident he was a replacement kitty for my Sebastien who ended up with FIP his sister Lusitania is the only survivor of that litter.
I guess i was meant to have Robber instead, my only request to the group that had adopted out 'Bastien was 'i want a red boy', Robbie is my only red boy and i love the little flying squirrel that he turned out to be. it has taken him a few years but now he will sleep near my cheek and beg for scratches. he is terrified of men and being taken anywhere. He is a great help in bringing out scared kitties that come here. he was the one who got Dash to venture out of the back room and finally trust me enough to take care of his feet. that is a story for another day.
1 comment:
I am loving your cat pictures. They are so fortunate to have found you.
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