Sunday, January 11, 2009


I seem to do this every year at this time. I order yarn, and it is usually wool. My current addiction is Malabrigo worsted, chunky, and silky. this has got to be the softest wool i have held. and now i know why i avoided getting it in the first place: totally addictive.

Moira has claimed a hank for herself it seems in the merino silky nocturnal. i need to find more of the colourway i anly have 3 hanks which might get a scarf/hat combo but not much else but now i am thinking off a hood into scarf but maybe not, and not the common one that i used to make 8 years ago which was a strip folded inhalf and the fold end stitched back to make a cap with long tails to be wrapped around.

thinking is a bad thing for me as i start focusing on improbable solutions and sometimes succeeding

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