had to share the pictures of my angry MiniFig

i had just trapped her last adopted kitten. they were her sister's babies.
she was trying to take me down when i got Gianni and when i caught Carmen she was all screams and glares. she followed me to let me know what she thought of me as you can see.
Durante has now been spayed. it was chancy there for a bit,
my neighbors kid was having a party with his friends
.... loud cars that set off alarms, vibration from the custom speakers .....
when i went to check on her she was so freaked out that she went straight over my head. i was thinking that i would never be able to catch her again after almost 2 weeks of being kept in a dog crate after 2 days in a trap trying to get a sooner appt. but Sunday night she came back looking for food, i was alerted by Dash that someone was their so i set the trap and had her within 15 minutes. in time for her Monday appt. so it was a good thing that she got used to the 3 meals a day in a cage.
right now she is in the kitten cage recovering and Frankie is not happy about losing his cage -- aka feeding station.
Durante is a bigger than Duncan and was estimated at 6 mos so i am thinking she was of a third litter possibly a previous litter from Ma Mere since she looks similar to Dandelion.
Duncan and Isadora are turning into mischief kitties and are allowing me limited contact even without treats in hand they are acknowledging that i, the human, am not going to hurt them. they have watched me with the others and even little Carmen is letting me touch her with reservation.
Last night when i got home and was checking on everyone i saw a huge raccoon (as tall as a beagle) eating the ferals food, made me extremely glad the i had Durante inside recovering and not anywhere where she would have been vulnerable.