Sunday, March 2, 2008


i have planning my garden today. i have roses coming in from roses unlimited in S.C. , I had order 5 roses and can't wait they will be shipped out on the 10 th. still cannot find the Octavia Hill rose but i think i found something very similar. Mystic beauty. the two look so similar that i suspect they are the same rose with different names. but that one is not available till May. So while waiting i am searching for the right containers to put them in. I plan to move with my plants may take a few trips but they go with me and the cats when you invest this much time and money into something its hard to leave behind unless there is no choice.

my selection is Amy Johnston, Sydonie, Louise Clements, Kitty Kinnimounth, and the Gabrielle Privat. they will join my Belle of Portugal climbing Royal sunset, Abrahms Darby and sundry mystery roses. i am even going to attempt to germinate seed- that should be a challenge.

Originally my plan was to create a Biblical bonsai garden, with a rose garden dedicated to Mary mother of Jesus. since i am not an expert in bonsai and only have had 2 years of horticulture i am only a novice, but i love the experimentation. i will be training some prunus that i bought some years ago. the trunks are about the right thickness for what i am planning. and since i doubt that they will ever fruit it is no great loss as a tree if i fail, not that that will happen I have faith.

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