Saturday, April 6, 2013

Robert E LeeRoy

Yesterday I learned I am going to lose him. He has a mass in his abdomen. My boy is so tiny and has lost over a pound of weight going from almost 8 lbs to less than 6 lbs. I was told last time that he had one regular kidney and the other was maybe 1/2 the size it should be so I was careful about his kidneys.
 Of late he has gotten cuddly which is very out of norm for my little Rockstar. I noticed he seemed lighter and a lot thinner. He is still alert, has no weird smell, he eats and drinks and goes potty but he is different. So I got him to the Veterinarian where the mass was discovered.  I can get a referral to a specialist for a biopsy. Potentially get him Chemotherapy and 10's of thousands that I do not have later still lose him in a few months.   Having his last days scared, sick and alone.

Each loss hits me harder than the previous. Hopefully I can get my shelter built soon.  I have found someone who will put up a barn or me but I need a house on the property first.  And scary news I am hearing that pot growers are buying out the lots of land near our property.   I do not want to have to ind a new piece of land to build on.  I want to be out of here within the next few years.  Time is flying past aster and faster.

I just want a safe place for my little ones.