Thursday, November 26, 2009
I love the look of a kitten in the window. there is just something emotional about it. sometimes wistful sometimes sad sometimes determined and demanding.
what do they think about as they sit there watching the world? seeing the birds and the ferals pass by
sniffing at the screen. what is it that is hiding behind those enigmatic eyes.
the other night while it rained they just stared at the droplets hitting the glass. I wonder if they realise they could have been out in it or do they remember being out in it and are happy to be in a sheltered house.
i am so falling in love with this group and trying not to. i really need to get those vouchers i cannot wait much longer on Duncan he has dropped and Isadora could go into heat soon. she is the one i most worry about she is just starting to come around she still gives off her snaky hisses when started. Frankie and Gianni i can wait a little more on as they are younger but they need homes soon. little Carmen with her notched ear is adorable but hard to work with i wish i had Cage in the house but my crew watch out for him.
Buttercup shows up rarely now so i wonder where he has chosen to live. Rue is still being a pain in the assets. Bettie is being a sweetheart letting me pick her up and running to great me when i get home. i know it is the food but sometimes i think she actually likes me.
on to other things i have been playing with my dyeing again eucalyptus bark found at a rest stop.
i soaked it 3 times in the bath and this picture is it after drying dipped back in to wick up dye for some variation. i have another hank soaking in a bath of leaves i had hoped for a rusty orange but i am only getting yellowy goldy green. maybe a few more soaks
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
the cutest thing
i have to say i love Dash.
he is so careful with kittens right now he is teaching Cage to play.
i have some wrapping ribbon tied to the clotheline so that it just touched the ground and dances with the breeze, i have caught all of the cats batting at it and now there is a game of chase happening.
i do want to get a picture of it all but as soon as Cage sees me he hides.
Friday, November 20, 2009
its raining
if i had time i would have taken pictures of the kittens watching the window but i had to run to work when the rain started. they were so fascinated by the drops hitting the glass making designs. i told them that if i had not caught them and been treating them that they would have been out in it and not as happy watching it.
i am getting more comfortable about Isadora being adoptable she still hisses but she also cuddles Gianni is getting standoffish though which is making me sad. Carmen is coming around and is not as scared of me. i will probably release Durante back to the colony but not during the storms. i just cannot release a naked belly in the colder seasons.
Cage is letting me see him a bit more and i am still trying for the other shadow that i see flit about now and again. at least there are safe havens from the rain here the trees shield them and there is also the 'greenhouse' pot storage area..
Robber is not happy about the rain i did not play with him today with Da Bird
i am getting more comfortable about Isadora being adoptable she still hisses but she also cuddles Gianni is getting standoffish though which is making me sad. Carmen is coming around and is not as scared of me. i will probably release Durante back to the colony but not during the storms. i just cannot release a naked belly in the colder seasons.
Cage is letting me see him a bit more and i am still trying for the other shadow that i see flit about now and again. at least there are safe havens from the rain here the trees shield them and there is also the 'greenhouse' pot storage area..
Robber is not happy about the rain i did not play with him today with Da Bird
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
had to share the pictures of my angry MiniFig
i had just trapped her last adopted kitten. they were her sister's babies.
she was trying to take me down when i got Gianni and when i caught Carmen she was all screams and glares. she followed me to let me know what she thought of me as you can see.
Durante has now been spayed. it was chancy there for a bit,
my neighbors kid was having a party with his friends
.... loud cars that set off alarms, vibration from the custom speakers .....
when i went to check on her she was so freaked out that she went straight over my head. i was thinking that i would never be able to catch her again after almost 2 weeks of being kept in a dog crate after 2 days in a trap trying to get a sooner appt. but Sunday night she came back looking for food, i was alerted by Dash that someone was their so i set the trap and had her within 15 minutes. in time for her Monday appt. so it was a good thing that she got used to the 3 meals a day in a cage.
right now she is in the kitten cage recovering and Frankie is not happy about losing his cage -- aka feeding station.
Durante is a bigger than Duncan and was estimated at 6 mos so i am thinking she was of a third litter possibly a previous litter from Ma Mere since she looks similar to Dandelion.
Duncan and Isadora are turning into mischief kitties and are allowing me limited contact even without treats in hand they are acknowledging that i, the human, am not going to hurt them. they have watched me with the others and even little Carmen is letting me touch her with reservation.
Last night when i got home and was checking on everyone i saw a huge raccoon (as tall as a beagle) eating the ferals food, made me extremely glad the i had Durante inside recovering and not anywhere where she would have been vulnerable.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I call her Durante
while i have been trapping for the feral spay days i saw a little tortie in my backyard.that Carmel stripe on the nose is to funny, makes her nose look huge.
i succeeded in trapping two kittens which i got in. one little girl probably from the same litter with Frankie and Gianni, i am calling her Carmen. with her i caught a slightly older male kitten being called Cage, as he keeps going into them and getting re trapped 3 times in a row. now i am watching the shadow kittens that i still see.
Durante is i think going to be a bit much for me at the moment so i will take her in to the feral spay days which is in a week, i wish i could work with her to socialize but dealing with the issues inside i have to cage her outside so working with her is a challenge. the frustrating thing is i know that i am not getting all of the female i heard the classic fight for the female last night with a kitten crying in the middle of it. so was it male defending its ground from intruder kitten or was the kitten a female hitting first heat.
Isadora and Duncan still greet with hisses but are wanting to be pet. they will be great if someone wants a cat in the house but not a cuddler. they are good about medicine.and take it quite well.
i succeeded in trapping two kittens which i got in. one little girl probably from the same litter with Frankie and Gianni, i am calling her Carmen. with her i caught a slightly older male kitten being called Cage, as he keeps going into them and getting re trapped 3 times in a row. now i am watching the shadow kittens that i still see.
Durante is i think going to be a bit much for me at the moment so i will take her in to the feral spay days which is in a week, i wish i could work with her to socialize but dealing with the issues inside i have to cage her outside so working with her is a challenge. the frustrating thing is i know that i am not getting all of the female i heard the classic fight for the female last night with a kitten crying in the middle of it. so was it male defending its ground from intruder kitten or was the kitten a female hitting first heat.
Isadora and Duncan still greet with hisses but are wanting to be pet. they will be great if someone wants a cat in the house but not a cuddler. they are good about medicine.and take it quite well.
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