I love the look of a kitten in the window. there is just something emotional about it. sometimes wistful sometimes sad sometimes determined and demanding.
what do they think about as they sit there watching the world? seeing the birds and the ferals pass by

sniffing at the screen. what is it that is hiding behind those enigmatic eyes.
the other night while it rained they just stared at the droplets hitting the glass. I wonder if they realise they could have been out in it or do they remember being out in it and are happy to be in a sheltered house.
i am so falling in love with this group and trying not to. i really need to get those vouchers i cannot wait much longer on Duncan he has dropped and Isadora could go into heat soon. she is the one i most worry about she is just starting to come around she still gives off her snaky hisses when started. Frankie and Gianni i can wait a little more on as they are younger but they need homes soon. little Carmen with her notched ear is adorable but hard to work with i wish i had Cage in the house but my crew watch out for him.
Buttercup shows up rarely now so i wonder where he has chosen to live. Rue is still being a pain in the assets. Bettie is being a sweetheart letting me pick her up and running to great me when i get home. i know it is the food but sometimes i think she actually likes me.
on to other things i have been playing with my dyeing again eucalyptus bark found at a rest stop.

i soaked it 3 times in the bath and this picture is it after drying dipped back in to wick up dye for some variation. i have another hank soaking in a bath of leaves i had hoped for a rusty orange but i am only getting yellowy goldy green. maybe a few more soaks