It's almost my Isolde's B-Day she will be 14 on Feb 13.
a bit about my Isolde, she was born in a cattery of a lady who got sick, she could no longer care for them and her daughter could not be bothered. finally a complaint went out to animal control and these beautiful cats were going to all be put down.
Someone stepped in and promised to clean it up and find homes for the cats. This is when my friend discovered them and adopted 2. a boy who became Tristan and a girl who is still with me. these 2 kitties have traveled to Georgia and back to California.
eventually the two were separated and Isolde became mine. she has learn to love travelling to the beach mountain roads are a favourite with her. she realised that the harness and lead meant she had control of me and i went were she wanted to go. snow was also fun for her when she was younger not so much now as she has a touch of arthritis.
Isolde is a social kitty she would visit with the street kitties, and for a while her brother came back to live with us, unfortunately Tris is no longer with us, someone poisoned him one halloween and i learned then that it is not just Black cats that are tortured by sick people. Our beautiful Tris looked like the cat in the TV show Charmed. and i think that had a lot to do with him being targeted he was to friendly for his own good.
we slid into depression rather badly and i was tricked into taking on another cat who i named Puma (also no longer with us) when we lost the second boy Isolde went into sever depression and i could not be with her as i was going in for surgery and had to spend a week in the hospital.
one thing lead to another thanks to wendyknits.net and her link to petinders.com i got my girl more companions so she is never alone, unless she wants to be. so tomorrow the beach with my baby